Saturday, March 24, 2007

ICLS Karaokare Contest 2007 & 20th Birthday celebration @ PD

HELLO!!! Everyone, I'm back to here and blog again! =) Guess this post is the first entries for year 2007! ;) Quite busy for the last 2 months. Went for Japanese Language classes, allocate classes for Monash, Chinese New Year did some shopping for new year clothes...etc. The lists go on...


My birthday month! =) I had a memorable 20th birthday for sure! Thank you my lovely friends & family members! You guys always mean alot to me! =)

Well... I had my birthday celebration at Port Dickson which is my dad's hometown. We had BBQ at friday(9/3) night. We had fun overall. We have a nice chat with each others. Joking around! hehe... Of course, I did receive presents from them too! hehe... You guys sure want to know what present I got from my lovely friends rite?! hehe... Here I tell... A SHISEIDO's mascara from Jennifer Ku Lee Sie, a silver necklace from Ashton, ah Liang, Ashley, Lalamoi, a necklace from Li Yong, a photo frame from Desiree & Sean. And of course, not to forget all the sms wishes I received from you guys! Thanks! =)

Honestly speaking, present means nothing for you. It's as long as you have the HEART that's enough for me. I won't expect you guys want to present me what. =)

We went there over night one day. We back on Sat evening after we went to Batu 7's beach to take some pictures! After went back to KL, me, ashton & ah Liang went to time-squares to grab a clothes for my next day's karaokare contest which mean held on Sunday(11/3). Thanks for accompany and help me looks for the clothes! =) Went back home at around 10pm, had a shower. Felt so tired after that. Totally no time to practise for that song. By the way, I chose Ayumi's "HEAVEN" for my karaokare contest. =)


Woke up earlier in the morning, went to APT salon to blow my hair! After that rush to Ashton's house to let him make up for me since he's study fahsion design. I was suppose to reach there by 12pm as they are having a rehearsal. But, I was late. I arrived at around 1pm. Obviously, I missed the rehearsal. They are going to start the contest by the way.

Heart beat increased... Totally nervous... No practise at all... But the Romaji's song lyric was with me.

I was placed at NO.9. Until my turn to sing, I just looked at the lyrics and sing althought there already provided the tv for us. But my Kanji & hinakana not that good. So I just can refer to my romaji's lyric to continue sing. But what was so surprising?! hehe.. the computerize results that I got was higher than those who sing more bettet than me! Everyone out there also cant believe that! While th results was released, everyone just WOW~~~ rasuah keh?! LOL... me also surprised! LOL... =P

But overall totally my marks was the lowest! =P Well, nevermind, learn a lesson from here too! Must come with practise. Hehehe.. Take it as a experience for this times. =)

Below are some pictures that I took at PD & also at that contest... Here I go...

1 comment:

HaOZh3 said...

just drop by to hav a look~
seems u enjoy ur life so much~ great!
hav a good day ya!