Selamat Hari Raya
Supposed written it yesterday, but due to yesterday too tired already so i just delayed the post on today. Hmm... yesterday 2 of my sahabat karib come to my house right? Yesterday we also have a wonderful lunch & dinner. Hehe... My maid cooked alot of Raya foods such as rendang ayam, ketupat, nasi pulut, sauce satay, acar, sotong...etc. All the foods are so delicious! hehe...
Actually one of them wanted to come to do her assignment one but end up didnt do it then watched the japanese series called "one littre of tears"which another friend of my bought to me. After both of them went back i had watched until epison 6 only... then at night i continue to watch until eps 11. Total has 11 epsion. Walaueee... Didnt expect that i could cried for so many times. Countless ler.. Really.. hahaha.. Dont know used how many tissue already also. After finished watching it's already 4am something.. then i have a nice sleep yesterday after crying so many times. Haha =PHe is my friend fall asleep dah... hahaha... Me curi angkat gambar ini punya... He actaully wanted to check his mail, but due to the laptop was too lack & hang.. while he was waiting it loading then already fall asleep. Wonder how tired he was?! LOL... =P
bu neng lo..say wanna drop u comment so many times juz free la,ok?stupid assignment..giler!haha....really din do any assignment lo~~eh..why u rite ppl sleep..rite ppl din do assignment~but then din rite urself also sleep on the SOFA thr?giler er....!!haha...ya...have a nice day at ur house la..ok?nice so many things to eat..n finally..c ur kakak wear her new raya clothes b4 i back!!keke^.^
aiyo..long time din c u leh~so tat pucat...sorry..macam rite testi liao!wuhahaha...
eh..lupa~~~my laptop lag..make him slept...not my fault la..haha..but then he really funny=.=next time go ur house again a!!me also wanna copy tat movie from u!!so nice~~~^.^
esther!!!i wanna go to your house also!!hahahaha.sure no cats ar?hahaaaha
eh eh eh damn ugly de pic la ok..can u plz delete it ok ~~~ ! although mayb not many ppls wil launch it..haha !!!
plz plz plz...delete it kkk...!
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