Make Up Day! Yay! =)
Today I was booked by my aunty to be hers model. Because she's having her make up course, so the intructor of the course need them bring a model to make up for the model. Have fun today!=) Guess what?! I make alot of challenges for her! =P For example, my eyes shadow want to have 2 colours mixed one, my eyesliners at the end must look like abit "fly out" like that one. Hahaha! When she listen already, she said " you really very mafan hor... ok... fine.. I accept your challenges! hahaha! =P But at the end, she could make it also la of cuz! Hahaha! Congratulation! So after that, we rush back cuz after that aunty & uncle will have a dinner in Klang. At that time already it's 6.45pm. So after went back home, me started to SS already! LOL... So here I go... =D

(Note: I actually have another 2 pics that I took with my mommy. I wanted to upload them! But I dunno why cant upload them at here! Sighs.. You guys know what?! My mother purposely changed her clothes and then make up some of hers face to take pictures with me! Oh well... My mother also like SS one! HAHAHA! =P What's a good relationship with my mother huh?! =) )
omg...wat a...-_-"
keke..can laugh a?
LOL!!!lucu la.ok?
so happy la!!
SS thr~iu...
why din come n find me?
then show me!
then let me laugh u!hehe...
not bad..not bad!!
new cloth!!new hair style!!
terang terang geh face=.=
new house...all new...
mayb laz nite play too many time for tat song...
today cant play..=.=
HAHAHA!! stupid la u! LOL.. Not avthing new... have got something not new one... that is my pant & belt! MUAHAHAHA~~~ =P neng hor?? my mom... How cute was she?! LOL =)
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