Saisaki Japanese Buffet & Taman Caunaught Pasar Malam =P
Supposed this post should be written down by yesterday. But due to yesterday me not feeling really well, so that postponed write it down on today. Somehow, who cares, rite?! This is my choice what... hehehe.. =P
Errmm... Tuesday went to Saikaki Japanese buffet restaurant to had my lunch with my Uni's friends. They are Shasha, Evelyn & Sook Kuan(Eve's friend). Hmm... Not bad the food at the restaurant. Eat until gonna vomit. Hehe... Too full la... Hahaha... but Worthy to try out la. So after our lunch then we went to Time Square to lepak. Hehe... Bought some clothes and went for movie too. At first 4 of us wanna watch different movie. LOL.. Then at last we all teman Sha went for the cantonese movie. OK... Guess what?! We really idiots! Went to the movie ticket counter there for 2-3 times. The 3rd times only we bought the tickets... Oh well... So hard for us to make a decision... LOL...
Before we went for movie. We went to Metrojaya and jalan-jalan. Guess who we saw?! Before that I just asked Sha will she go to pick him up at KLIA since he back today. Manatau... Saw him at Time Square. So Syok la... OK! He is our TBS foundation classmate la by the way. Hehe.. He went to Aussie for persue his degree at RMIT. Oh well.. I didnt see him, just when he called me as "Cheah Fang", then I turned back, manatau was he. Ok.. SYOK SYOK SYOK... we both stone for 2-3 seconds, then i turned back saw Sha, then we 3 together stone for 2-3 seconds again... LOL... Funny rite?! "一讲曹操,曹操就到!! 嘴巴好灵叻!!" Hahaha... Then we chat awhile then he also left already. So after movie we jsut went back around 8pm.
So yesterday...
Yesterday went to pasar malam with Pasukan and Liang. Supposed went on last wednesday. But due to Pasukan last week stomachache therefore postponed till yesterday only we went. At there we also met up our high school hostel-mates. =D Another moment for me that proved my mouth was so "accurate" kekeke... =P I told my roomates that called another girl who named Alicia. Then she said why called wor. Since she doesn't know how to drive althought she lives so near. She won't come geh la. MANATAU... OK.. later we saw Alicia la... OK! Swt.. HAHAHA... my mouth neng mah?! So ACCURATE one... Aduidui... hahaha... Then we had Asam Laksa as our dinner or supper?! Whatever... hahaha... Then we balik lo... Pasukan fetch. Supposed wanna go Pandan Indah find Ashley one, since Pasukan said the road there was complicated. So cancelled lo. Somemore quite late already.
Overall had fun on both days althought i'm sakit now! =)
Below are some pictures that we took at Saisaki Restaurant...
woi, y must u alwiz put stupid pics of me??....sobs
it's because when enxt time we see back these pics, we can LAUGH!!! HAHAHA... =P It's a memorable one. So it's better put it in here lo... tht's a simple answer.
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